Download This: IA Summit Visual Notes (PDF)

A few weeks ago, I made the trek to Minneapolis for the IA Summit. It was my first time and I was pretty excited to have been able to make the trip. The speaker lineup was fantastic, the planned and unplanned events were chaotic, and overall it was a great experience.

Basically, it was a giant information architecture nerdfest. Right. Up. My. Alley.

You might even have caught @land_of_UX tweets featuring my travel companion, Kassandra, the Lego steampunk cyborg. My son sent her along to accompany me on my adventures. She met some a bunch of fellow Canucks and former CanUX speakers along the way. I managed to take quite a few pics for him, some of which made it to the Twitters.

Lego figure next to IA Summit pass

If you've never been, IA Summit is a wonderful experience in FOMO (fear of missing out). There's so much going on at the same time, that you're sure at any given moment to be missing out on some amazing talk or even conversation thanks to the amazing talk or conversation that you're currently a part of. I took visual notes of almost every session I attended (for two sessions, I took text notes) and shared them on the account. But since there were so many tweets in between, I thought I would compile them for future reference - mine and yours.

Download my notes

Download my full set of notes in PDF form (hosted on Google Drive). Hope you find them useful!