How To: Find (Or Erase) Your Android Phone In The Event of Loss or Theft

Apple has had Find my iPhone for quite some time, a feature that enables you to locate your cel phone and even erase it if it's been stolen. And now, Android has the same thing.

[Aside: I know, I know. Insert Apple-had-it-first-congratulations-for-catching-up joke here. Actually, don't bother; I just did it for you.]

To find your Android:
  1. Head to Google Play
  2. Click on the settings widget and select Android Device Manager
  3. Pick a device from the drop-down (if you have more than one) or your default device will load
  4. Choose Ring to call your phone.
To set up Find and Erase:
  • Follow the same steps and at step 4, choose Setup Lock and Erase.
  • The system will ask whether you want to Send a setup notification, click Send.
  • Your device will receive a notification message; accept the settings.
  • Reload the page in Play and you will see 3 options: Ring, Lock or Erase.
Note: Don't even think about testing Lock or Erase unless you want to cause yourself some trouble. Seriously. These are for use in case of emergency only.

Now you're all set in the event that you lose your phone or have it stolen; just go to that page in Play and use the settings. Well, you know, you're almost set; you really should be backing that thing up too.

(Source: Hubby)